Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sayonara, Au Revoir and Adieu

The pleasure does not lie in the end itself. It's in the pleasurable steps to that end.
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.
Confused? Allow me to enlighten you.

The joy is not in the ending. Its in the path that takes us to the end. Still confused? I guess i can't help you anymore then.

2008. A year of joy, sorrow, anger, sadness and bliss.

This year has been a wonderful year for me. I have seen friendships blossom, broken, rekindled, strengthened and perfected. I have seen tears shed, dried by a helping hand and stopped by the ever joyfulness of friendship.

I have seen people mature and grown stronger. I have seen the limits of human empathy and the joy when my expectations of when they will stop has been exceeded.

I have seen betrayals and heartbreak. Anger and sorrow. Joy and sadness. Foolishness and genius. To find love and lose it. Every epitome of human emotions multiplied by the joy of being alive.

To see such wonders in a single year. If i died tomorrow i would have no regrets. And to think that i can call all of you my friends. Brings a joy to my heart that nothing can ever compare to.

Words truly cannot express my feelings for this year.
Friendship needs no words...
So thank you. For the memories. The happiness. The joy.

So for the last time. Adieu.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

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