Thursday, January 15, 2009


staying back at school until 5 is very tired.
basically almost 10 hours staying at school
and some students even goes tuition after that
like me. but mine is only on thursday. haha
have the school ever think that we spend all our time in school..
then when are we gonna do our homework?
we need to watch tv or go online too !!!
and we're students hellowwww

so today maclay stayed back with greenie
like the field for 3 rounds
and every time i will only run 2 or 1 round
then today gotta run 100m

and i find it useless to stayback until 5 just to run 100m
and today is AGM for unit beruniform
so congrats to suk khuan for being the president of taekwando
and pei sun as president for PBSM

till then..gtg tuition now..tadahh !!!
and to 5 gamma-ians again
pls pay me RM 7 for your physics book
and for those who still haven't pay their RM 5
better pay faster or the amount of money you gotta pay will increase like mad..

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